Star Wars or Star Trek?

Well, where do you stand?

Where do you see yourself? On the Enterprise or the Millenium Falcon?

I grew up during the age of Star Trek. But I don't remember watching it as a kid. I don't think my parents allowed me to watch it. When it appeared in reruns, I watched it whenever I could.

But, I vividly remember sitting Star Wars in an almost empty theater opening week. And then sitting through a second showing!

If I had to choose one over the other I guess it would be Star Trek. I don't consider myself a Trekkie, but I find the Star Trek universe more complete.

Again I ask the question. Where do you stand?


  1. Gotta admit Bear, I've always been a bigger fan of Star Wars myself. While I'm not the biggest fan of the newer movies, I've read countless books and series based in that universe. While I do love me some Star Trek as well, I've always had more love for the more far-fetched fantasy pieces of Star Wars. I guess in my eyes Star Trek is always fun to watch for my inner technology geek, being able to ask the 'what ifs' about technology and how it could be used in the very near future. That being said, Star Wars has always appealed to my inner child's fantasy, wishing I could have the power of the force, or a lightsaber able to cut through almost anything.

    -Jay Mac

  2. Why cant we enjoy both? Both have its good points...I say have the best of both worlds...
